Campus Master Plan (CMP) 2025-35 DRAFT

In compliance with Florida Statute 1013.30 and Florida Board of Governors (BOG) Regulations, Chapter 21, the Campus Master Plan must be updated every five years. These regulations require an Open House, First Public Hearing, 90-day public review period, a Second Public Hearing, and ultimately the approval of the document by the UCF Board of Trustees. The Open House and First Public Hearing have been completed (see documents below), and this webpage serves as the home of the DRAFT document for its mandatory 90-day review period. This review period begins on August 1, 2024 and will end on October 31, 2024.


UCF encourages all UCF staff, students, and faculty, affected local agencies, and our local community to review the document in detail and provide feedback. The development team who worked on the draft update includes faculty representatives, student government representatives, subject matter experts related to each element, and external consultants. The draft update focused on alignment with the UCF Strategic Plan, and highlights sustainable efforts throughout the document in green text.


Please see the information below on methods for submitting public comments. All public comments will be responded to in writing.



UCF 2025-35 Campus Master Plan DRAFT Update (Complete)


UCF 2025-35 Campus Master Plan DRAFT Update Elements


UCF 2025-35 Campus Master Plan Open House May 2024


UCF 2025-35 Campus Master Plan First Public Hearing July 2024


Public Comments

  • By mail:
    Campus Master Plan
    Planning, Design & Construction
    3528 North Perseus Loop
    PO Box 163020
    Orlando, FL 32816-3020
  • By email: