MOBILITY 2030 – A Transportation Advisory Board
MOBILITY 2030 meetings – January, April, July, and October on 4th Monday 2:30-3:30PM
MOBILITY 2030 engages all of UCF’s existing transportation-related departments, committees, and advocates to assure that transportation planning at UCF meets the needs of the entire campus community.
Campus-wide involvement is important for the disposition of Transportation System improvements, particularly those with safety implications. The committee will advise on “transportation” as included in element 6.0 Transportation of the 2020-30 Campus Master Plan.
MOBILITY 2030 will facilitate transportation system improvements by:
- Gathering, prioritizing, and coordinating improvements identified by existing transportation-related departments, committees, advocates, members of MOBILITY 2030, and the UCF community.
- Assessing and making recommendations for coordinating all modes of travel on campus – motor vehicles (cars, trucks), transit (shuttles, buses, autonomous vehicles), micro mobility (bicycles, scooters), and pedestrians.
- Overseeing UCF roadways, including speed limits, lane widths, crosswalk locations/size, access-limitations, street names, traffic calming measures, crosswalks, signalization systems.
- Provision of pedestrian circulation facilities and non-motorized circulation facilities required to meet university needs, including but not limited to additions and improvements to sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, bike paths, and associated lighting, signage, etc.
- Planning and approval of wayfinding signage (permanent and temporary) and transportation signage (traffic, regulatory, parking), including standardization, appearance, signage requests, installation, removal, etc.
- Coordination with the host local government and other local governments regarding transportation improvements in the off-campus context area.
Mobility 2030 Agendas, Presentations, and Minutes