Planning Documents for New Facilities

BUILDING PROGRAM (BP) – the BP is prepared by the university and approved by the president, as required by the Florida Board of Governors Regulation 14.006 Building Program and Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request Procedures. It assures the proposed project aligns with the university’s approved campus master plan, strategic plan, academic plan, educational plant survey, and space utilization criteria. It includes a description and history of the project, information on the site and utilities infrastructure, and introduces the project budget and applicable building codes.


SUMMARY OF REQUIRED SPACES (SRS) – the SRS is an early planning document that should be prepared for most large facilities, by UCF or by a Consulting Architect or Engineer (A/E). The SRS captures exactly how the proposed occupants wish to use the space in a proposed building. It lists every room in the facility, along with its assignable square feet and a brief description. It records the total amount of assignable space, by space category, and the gross square footage. The SRS can be used for early estimating or may be prepared to align space with an established maximum budget.


ACADEMIC PROGRAM STATEMENT (APS) – the APS is an internal planning document for more complicated buildings or those that combine multiple colleges. It aligns with and further develops the SRS by providing a more detailed description of every room in the proposed facility. It may be prepared by UCF or by a Consulting A/E.


All of these documents are tools that assist the University to envision and plan the facility; and the Consulting A/E’s to begin the conceptual design process.